Taking Every Thought Captive
It's alright to think about it, right? I mean, I'm not actually going to do it, so it's no big deal. Right? No. What we think influences what we do. It's like my Instagram feed. All these amazing Bible pages make me feel so motivated to study and illustrate my faith, but my own Bible doesn't have space to make so many notes and drawings. The more I looked at other people's journaling Bibles, the more I wanted one, the more I thought about it and started to stress over how to get the money for one. This same thing happened last year when I was filling my mind with things that would make Jesus cringe big time. We're talking gross things; things that encouraged being gay, hated on Christianity and made death look kind of appealing (I'm talking mostly about sin because it leads to death, but yeah, I was suicidal for a spell). And the same thing happened in grade one when everyone else had a zhu-zhu pet and I didn't (I got a zhu-zhu, don't wor...