Faith Like a Fire

When I read Hebrews, I realized something about chapter 11 that really resonated with me: The people mentioned in this chapter were leaps and bounds out of their comfort zones. That's how they made it onto this list; by leaving their comfort zones and venturing off into territory that was scary and unknown. Noah - he made the ark like God told him to, even when no one believed the flood would come. He was likely regarded as crazy and his whole family would have been treated badly. Abraham - he waited for years for his promised son, but God told him to take the boy and sacrifice him. Abraham didn't hesitate to do the Lord's will, even when it meant losing a loved one. Moses - denied his royal upraising to instead suffer with the people of God. He was raised by the Pharaoh's daughter and would likely have had power in that position, but he denied that family for a better one, even though it meant a hard life. Rahab - she hid the Israelite spies in her house even though it...