
Showing posts from September, 2020

Surrender it to God

Pursuing God is not something done with little to no effort, it's not an afterthought. It is done whole-heartedly. In order to truly pursue God, He needs to be the only thing you focus on; there can be nothing standing in the way. Your loyalty cannot be divided on this matter. We are not strong enough to clean out this blockage by ourselves, we need to surrender it to God. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."  Hebrews 12:1 When you think you are sick, you go to the doctor and ask for treatment. You have to tell the doctor what you feel in order for him to help you. If you refuse to show or tell him what's wrong, how can he help you? Or, if your house catches on fire, you're not going to try and stop the fire by yourself; you need the help of firefighters. You cannot cure your disease or save your house...

My Story

Three years ago today, I asked Jesus into my heart for the first time. In celebration of that day, I'm sharing the story of my journey with Christ. Just so you know, in this post I'll be talking about my sexuality and mental illness. I really wanted to share this and I wanted it to be more in depth than just a few paragraphs. So, it's quite long, but I feel that it's necessary to tell you everything. I hope you find hope. ---- It's been exactly three years since I first invited Jesus into my life. It was in my old home, at church. My church gave the grade 9's Bibles every year and now it was my turn - that Bible is my favourite, I absolutely adore it. Sitting in the pew, feeling it's weight in my hands, I prayed. I wanted to change. I tried to read my Bible everyday, and though I often failed, the commentaries and charts within the pages motivated me and helped me to understand. I was in grade nine and had my best friend, Lauren, beside me through it all. We...