Breaking Chains

  God created you and He has filled you with His eternal, unconditional, undeserved love. Before you were born, He knew everything about you. His love is so incredible that we will never understand the depths of it.
  Now imagine His heartbreak when you choose sin - and ultimately, the devil - over Him. That is the greatest betrayal. And that sin drives a wedge between you and your Father. You cannot survive anywhere but with God.
  We have to be strong and resist sin. The creator of the entire universe is always here for you, listening to your prayers. He will give you strength to surpass this. So we have to break these chains and we have to run.
  You may be running for a long time and you may find yourself in a foreign place that's scary but I promise you that God's not done with you. He didn't wake you up this morning so you could keep repeating your old sins! You have to break these chains.
  Write down what's holding you back on a piece of paper and burn it. Get a plate, write on it with sharpie all the things that bind you and smash that plate until all of it is crumbs on the sidewalk (please clean it up though).
  It's going to be hard, but one day you will look up and realize that you're free.
  Now, I want you to get a notebook and an envelope. Or make an envelope with cute paper, like I did. Write a letter to God and give up your sin. Write as much or as little as you have to. I wrote a page and a half and begged God to free me from my sin, telling Him that I would be patient and that I would fight for His glory. Now fold it up and put it in the envelope, date it, then put it in your Bible case or pin it on your cork board, or use a paper clip and keep it inside the front flap of your Bible, like I did.
  Don't be shy in your letter. Face your sin head on, bring it into the light. Dedicate yourself to defeating this enemy and fill your heart with scripture so that you would be equipped to fight. This won't be a short fight, some days you may lose, but you must stand back up. Jesus didn't die so you could give it a try and then give up when things get hard.
  I pray that you would be strong and courageous and that we may win this and finally be free. I've been fighting my sin for months and there are days when I feel like I'll never get out, but I'm positive that victory can be ours. We can do it and God will help us every step of the way.

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