I've been trying not to think about it, honestly, but I feel like it's becoming scarier and scarier. Everyone's talking about it, we can't go anywhere because of it, life feels like it's falling apart.
  I live in Alberta and our schools have been closed until September. We're doing homeschooling and it's crazy. I have four younger siblings and we're definitely not a fan of always being home. I've woken up almost every morning to the sounds of the same movie, RV. Which is an amazing movie, by the way. Our dad has always been the kind to want to go on roadtrips or camping and now that we can't...we're going crazy.
  I follow on Instagram who is posting reassuring things about this virus and God's control over it so check out some of her stuff because I know it's been helping me.
  Personally, I'm trying to avoid news articles about COVID19 because reading about all the deaths and threats makes my anxiety skyrocket, so I'll share some positive things to maybe help ease some of your anxieties.
  1. God is in control.
  This morning, I was reading my devotions and a verse came up - 1 Peter 5:7 - and it said "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." It's a really great reminder that our God cares about us and doesn't want us to worry. I know that it's hard to stop worrying, but you have to sit down and pray to God that he would take this off your heart. Remind yourself that he is in control. This pandemic didn't take him by surprise. This was all apart of his plan, since day 1.
  2. Quarantine = more time with God
  I know you've got school work and you're busy playing games and watching movies or scrolling through TikTok (I'm guilty) but now is the perfect time. Face it; beating your siblings at Mario Kart over and over again is fun but spending time in the Word is rewarding. You learn more about God and it's reassuring to see that this panic isn't something new. There's always been bad things like this and there always will be. What we need to do is run to God and put all your trust in Him.
And now is an incredible time to dive into a new hobby and get creative; that's why I'm here writing this. In this time of panic, I want to remind people of God's love and protection.
  3. Get out of the house
  Yep. I'm the laziest person you will meet and even I'm sick of sitting inside all the time. I know that you can't go to stores and maybe the situation is different where you live, but I live in a small town 40 minutes from the nearest city and there are people walking and biking and just getting outside. I'm using my dad's bike and trying to get outside every day, even just for a few minutes. We also have two cats - Bailey and Anthony - who sit out on the deck and are the sweetest things. You can go on a walk and take with your phone to listen to a podcast or use this time to pray.
  I hope this helped you because I've been really nervous to post anything here and even if just one person benefits from this I'll be happy.
  I also have an Instagram (he.moves.mountains) so make sure to follow me there for some positive reminders.
  Ok, bye!

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